Foods To Avoid If You Have Breathing Problems

There’s no doubt that eating well and getting some exercise can be beneficial for both the mind and the body. Eating right can perk up your energy levels, aid in optimal function, and enhance focus. But some foods can do more harm than good, especially if you have a respiratory condition. Some foods can worsen your symptoms and may cause breathing difficulties.

How does food impact breathing?
It is food that’s converted into fuel through metabolism, and oxygen plays a key role in the process. Oxygen is required to help burn nutrients like proteins, fats, sugars, and fibers, and they all need different amounts of oxygen to convert into energy. For instance, carbs need more oxygen but produce less carbon dioxide, and fats produce less carbon dioxide than the oxygen it uses up. This is why carbs are taken off the diet of any patient with breathing problems and replaced with healthy fats.

Here’s a brief list of foods a patient with breathing issues must avoid.

Fried foods
Fried foods can cause many problems like bloating, make one feel gassy, and increase weight. These, in turn, put pressure on the diaphragm and lungs, making it difficult for the person to breathe, especially if they have respiratory problems. Fried foods also pose the risk of heart disease.

Cruciferous vegetables
The veggies from the cabbage family can make many feel gassy and bloated. If that’s the case for you, try avoiding them or limit them progressively. Vegetables from this family include cabbage, radishes, broccoli, and cauliflower, among others.

High amounts of sodium
Intake of sodium is equally or rather worse than that of sugar. Why is this? Because it retains water and causes bloating, and poses other discomforting symptoms. Salt in the required amount to cook a meal shouldn’t do much harm. However, it’s wise to steer clear of salt-heavy foods. Using a substitute for salt is equally bad.

Dairy products
While dairy and its by-products have their own set of advantages, they sure don’t do any good for people with lung disease. Dairy products are packed with calcium and other nutrients along with which it also contains a breakdown product of milk, termed as casomorphin. Casomorphin contributes to the formation of mucus in the intestines, which can contribute to breathing problems of the patient and can potentially cause a flare-up.

Processed foods
Processed foods like cold cuts, frozen dinners, and even packaged beverages contain preservatives, food color, and nitrates to extend the food’s life. And it’s not surprising that they cause only damage and are not suitable for even healthy people. So when your health is not at its best, it’s advisable to keep away from processed foods.

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