6 Everyday Things That Can Trigger Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition wherein the person experiences bouts of profuse sweating, which can be caused irrespective of the person’s activity level or the atmosphere around them. It can be local, i.e., restricted to certain areas of the body, or general, meaning all throughout the body. Hyperhidrosis is also a hereditary disorder, and it has various control and treatment options. However, it is important for people to be aware of the common triggers for hyperhidrosis that can cause them to sweat profusely


Consuming an unhealthy amount of alcohol might not leave you sweating. However, if a person suffering from hyperhidrosis does the same, they will most definitely be sweating profusely by the end of their drinking game. Alcohol works as a vasodilator that dilates the blood vessels, causing the body temperature to rise. The situation could be worse if the patient lacks the enzymes that help the body in breaking down alcohol. This condition is different from the sweating induced due to withdrawal symptoms.


One of the best-known traits of caffeine is that it wakes us up. This is because of caffeine’s ability to stimulate the central nervous system or the CNS. However, caffeinated drinks also lead to a rise in blood pressure, this then results in an increased heart rate. The extra pressure under which the heart is now working can lead to excessive sweating in hyperhidrosis patients. Patients can steadily decrease their coffee and energy drink intake or can alternatively switch to drinks like tea or decaf coffee.

Extreme emotional state

Not a food trigger, but emotional states of the extreme kind often turn out to be a common trigger for hyperhidrosis. Emotions like anger, fear, excitement, stress, anxiety, or happiness can lead to an increasing or rapid heartbeat. It is this increased heart rate that leads to excessive sweating. People with hyperhidrosis are often recommended to practice calming techniques like meditation, yoga, or walking to help manage extreme emotions.

Spicy food

Spicy food, as tempting as it may be, is one of the most common triggers for hyperhidrosis. It is known to bring up the body’s temperature by causing vasodilation, which then leads to increased sweating and flushing of the person. This is, therefore, a problem for people who live with this condition. The issue occurs due to capsaicin, a component in all spicy foods. The skin’s heat receptors activate when the body detects the presence of capsaicin, leading to profuse sweating.

Sugary food

Foods that are rich in either natural or refined sugar can prove to be a trigger for the condition. This leads to an increase in blood sugar levels and the release of insulin in the bloodstream. High insulin levels lead to a drop in sugar levels and result in hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can be a cause for profuse sweating. However, repetitive hypoglycemic episodes can also be a warning sign of diabetes.

Synthetic clothes
Although synthetic clothes are good for wear and tear, they aren’t all that good for the skin. The easy to maintain and quick to dry materials provide less breathing room to the skin, leading to increased sweating. People with hyperhidrosis should switch to clothing that allows their skin to breathe.

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