4 Types Of Food To Avoid For Schizophrenia Patients

Schizophrenia patients should always eat healthy because their diet can impact their moods and mental health. Although medical research hasn’t found a conclusive cause and effect between the two, avoiding certain types of foods can help schizophrenia patients feel calmer and relaxed on the whole. For instance, avoiding refined sugar can reduce the chances of developing recurring sugar cravings that lead to addictive eating habits. Read on to know the four different food types to avoid for schizophrenia patients.

  • Artificial color foods
    Packaged foods are brightly colored and often use coloring additives that are artificial. Schizophrenia patients should avoid such food items as they can cause hyperactivity. One particular dye, Red Dye 40, also known as “Alura Red,” should especially be avoided. It is the most commonly used petroleum-based food dye in the country. It is used in foods like sauces, salad dressing, and bakery items. It has been known to cause migraines, nervousness, and jitteriness. Overeating foods with this dye may also decrease one’s ability to concentrate. These are red flags for those with schizophrenia and other mental conditions.
  • Sugar loaded foods

Another unhealthy category that schizophrenia patients should avoid is sugar-packed treats. Most commercial brands use artificial sugar in large quantities to make candies, cookies, and other sweet treats. These are linked to developing addictive behaviors and depression. So it’s best to avoid them or limit their consumption. Instead, try substituting these for foods like whole fruits that are naturally sweet and packed with nutrients. These will satisfy sweet cravings and provide nutrition to those with schizophrenia.

  • Processed foods

For mental wellbeing, one needs more omega-3 fatty acids and comparatively lesser omega-6 fatty acids. They need to be consumed in a certain ratio; however, having processed foods can throw this ratio off balance. Processed foods that you find in most supermarkets across the country contain vegetable oil and corn oil that are omega-6 fatty acid violators. They can upset the body’s nutritional value that can contribute in some way to aggravating schizophrenia symptoms. So avoiding all processed foods like cereal, potato chips, bacon, ketchup, and fruit snacks can be a good call for those with schizophrenia.

  • Carbonated
    Carbonated drinks often have ingredients like phosphoric acid, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners that have no nutritional value and can only aggravate one’s condition. Few drinks also contain high amounts of caffeine that is considered harmful for people with schizophrenia. They may have adverse effects on one’s mood and well being. Avoid all carbonated drinks, including club sodas, fruit drinks, and aerated lemonades. They are inflammatory and do no good to one’s mind and body. Some kinds of waters, like tonic water and sparkling water, are unhealthy too and should be avoided.

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