4 Simple Ways To Deal With An Overactive Bladder

People with overactive bladder find it extremely difficult to manage one particular symptom: the frequent urination urge. It is a condition that is often uncontrollable. The urge occurs because the muscles of the bladder continue to contract even after one has urinated. This means that even if the bladder is empty, one feels the need to use the bathroom. As this can hinder one’s day-to-day activities, it may help to try the following measures to manage an overactive bladder.

Try Kegel exercises
Millions of Americans suffer from OAB, and the one tip many of them recommend is to try Kegel exercises. These exercises involve squeezing your pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds and releasing them. Kegel exercises help your pelvic muscles to control the urge to urinate. Ask a doctor to recommend the number of sets you should do daily, depending on your condition. Over time, you may notice improvements in your bladder control, which may indicate that the exercises are working for you.

Monitor your fluid intake

Certain fluids can trigger OAB symptoms, so it’s always better to monitor your diet. Take note of the drinks that irritate your system. Avoid soda, coffee, alcohol, and tea, or have them in moderation. The key is in avoiding excess liquid intake, especially carbonated and caffeinated ones. Talk to your doctor about the quantity of fluid you can consume daily. This also includes the liters of water you should be drinking. An excess of it can trigger OAB symptoms and trigger bladder contractions. So monitor and also maintain your liquid intake.

Add fiber to your diet
Another tip that OAB sufferers suggest is to simply add fiber to your diet. Having fibrous foods can prevent constipation. As the bowels are in close proximity to the bladder, it’s important to minimize their pressure on the bladder. Try having foods like oats, almonds, and lentils, as they are rich in fiber. Also, add nuts like almonds, pistachios, and pecans to your diet, as they are known to prevent constipation.

Try bladder training
Bladder training is a method used to increase the bladder’s ability to hold urine for longer. This gradually helps to decrease the number of times you visit the bathroom in a day. For bladder training, you must first count the number of times you feel like urinating daily. Get an average count over a few days. Then go ahead with the training. Try to hold the urine in for as long as you can during intervals of bathroom breaks. It will cause some discomfort initially, but it will train the bladder over time. After a few weeks, you will notice a decrease in the times you visit the bathroom.






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