Top 5 Ways To Naturally Whiten Your Teeth At Home

Teeth-whitening products available in stores are unfortunately full of chemicals that can damage your teeth in the long run. If you want to steer clear of these harmful chemicals and save hundreds of dollars, there are plenty of teeth-whitening remedies you can try at home. These remedies use materials you probably already have in your kitchen, making them convenient and affordable. Here are top ways to get brighter, whiter teeth at home naturally.

Try oil-pulling

Many people who have tried oil pulling regularly claim that it helps remove surface stain from teeth. It also prevents the build-up of plaque and bacteria in the mouth and improves oral hygiene. Oil pulling involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes and then spitting it out. Most people prefer using coconut oil for this method as it kills harmful bacteria and reduces gum inflammation. You can also use sesame oil or sunflower oil.

Use baking soda for brushing your teeth

Many toothpastes have baking soda as one of their ingredients as baking soda is a mild abrasive and can scrub away stains on your teeth’s surface. Also, studies show that toothpaste containing high amounts of baking soda is particularly effective at whitening teeth. Plus, baking soda helps fight bacteria, reduce plaque, and prevent tooth decay. Create a paste using 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of water. Remember to brush your teeth with this paste multiple times a week.

Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild, natural bleaching agent that can get rid of stains from your teeth and kill bacteria in your mouth. You can mix it with baking soda and water to create a more effective teeth whitening paste. Hydrogen peroxide lightens stains on the teeth surface while baking soda removes them. Please note that hydrogen peroxide may increase your tooth sensitivity, so people with sensitive teeth must avoid this.

Rub fruit peels on your teeth

It may sound silly, but people who’ve tried rubbing peels of orange, lemon, and banana on their teeth are quite happy with the results. While there is no scientific evidence supporting this, experts believe that these peels contain citric acid and other beneficial compounds that naturally whiten teeth. Simply rub the fruit skin on your teeth for two minutes, wash your mouth, and brush your teeth.

Limit teeth-staining foods and drinks

Most people already know that drinking coffee and red wine stains teeth. But there are plenty of other foods and drinks that have similar effects. These include soda, blueberries, blackberries, black tea, turmeric, barbecue sauce, and sugary treats. You don’t need to eliminate all these from your diet but limit their consumption. Brushing your teeth right after consuming them can also help reduce teeth discoloration.

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