Six Signs And Symptoms To Identify A Developing Sarcoma

Sarcoma is a type of cancer that affects the growth of healthy cells in the body. With more than 70 different types of the condition, the cancer triggers changes in cell structure and causes DNA mutations forcing the cells to multiply and grow rapidly out of control. Several risk factors, including certain inherited syndromes, exposure to radiation, exposure to chemicals, and viruses, can indicate sarcoma. Here are a few early warning signs that can help diagnose the cancer in its early stages.

Persistent pain
Experiencing persistent pain or any physical discomfort that lingers in a specific area is one of the early warning signs of sarcoma. Note that chronic pain mostly develops in the area where the cells mutate out of control, and in some cases, it can cause abdominal pain as well.

Skin lesions
Even before the lesions develop, one may feel a physical lump of mutating cells growing under the skin that does not necessarily cause pain. In some cases, the pain starts if the lump pinches on a vital nerve point. But when the cells multiply and grow out of control, the skin may break as the sarcoma tumor spreads rapidly in the affected area.

As the tumor develops and spreads under certain areas, one might also experience an uncomfortable swelling sensation. The severity of the swelling will directly depend on the location of the growing cancer cells. This symptom mostly tends to affect the arms or legs.

Limited mobility
The range of motion in the arms and legs is severely affected after a certain point as the mutation intensifies, and the tumor starts spreading rapidly. A soft tissue sarcoma found in the hands, shoulders, hips, and knees will affect mobility to a great extent.

Bone problems
Bone problems can be observed in people who develop bone tumors, one of the known types of the genetic mutation. Bone sarcoma is predominantly observed in children, unlike the soft tissue sarcomas that affect both adults and children of all ages. Experiencing persistent pain in the bones is another indicator of a developing tumor. In some cases, the bone might also break unexpectedly around the affected area as the mutation intensifies.

While soft tissue and bone sarcomas majorly affect the physical appearance and range of motion in vital joints, one might also develop a fever. The cause of the fever is not known. Having a low immunity may make the body vulnerable to viruses and bacteria present in the environment. Fever can also develop as a complication of bone sarcoma that can trigger unexplained weight loss and even anemia.

A family history of any form of sarcoma can significantly increase the chances of genetic mutations for the next generation. In such cases, medical professionals advise on getting a genetic test done to see if the mutation can be detected before the condition progresses rapidly. Early detection and staging o f warning signs of sarcoma can help treat and eliminate low-grade tumors before they spread. However, there is no cure for aggressive sarcoma. Treatment can only improve quality of life by managing severe discomforts.

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