5 Natural And Effective Ways To Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction makes achieving or maintaining an erection difficult. Affecting more than 30 million men in the country, it’s not uncommon for men to suffer from erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. For men who worry about the side effects of prescription medications, or want to avoid expensive medical treatments, can try natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. Studies suggest that these natural remedies can help overcome erectile dysfunction and boost sexual performance.

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet

There is no specific diet plan to follow for erectile dysfunction. But several studies show that consuming a healthy, well-balanced diet decreases the risk of erectile dysfunction. Experts advise that a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fatty fish, and whole grains provides the body with all kinds of essential nutrients that help improve sexual health. A well-balanced diet also keeps the blood sugar level under control, preventing diabetes, a major risk factor for erectile dysfunction.

  • Exercise regularly

Multiple research suggests that exercising regularly can not only restore sexual performance in people with erectile dysfunction but also help prevent the condition. Exercise improves blood circulation across the body, which is crucial to achieve and maintain a firm erection. Plus, it helps the body produce more nitric oxide in the blood vessels and encourages the free flow of blood. Even moderate exercises like brisk-walking for 30 minutes per day can significantly lower the chances of erectile dysfunction. One can try Kegel exercises, which strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and help maintain a full erection for longer.

  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption

Several studies have associated smoking with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction, as it damages blood vessels, decreasing blood flow to the penis, making getting an erection difficult. Even drinking alcohol can cause short-term and chronic erectile dysfunction. Heavy alcohol consumption lowers the central nervous system function, causing it to produce less nitric oxide, often leading to erectile dysfunction.

  • Get enough sleep

Research has identified poor sleeping patterns as a risk factor for erectile dysfunction. A study suggests that there is a complex relationship between the levels of sex hormones like testosterone, sexual function, and sleep. If the levels of testosterone in the body are low, chances of erectile dysfunction are higher, while improved sleep boosts the levels of testosterone. So, getting sufficient, quality sleep is not only important for physical and mental health, but it also enhances performance in bed.

  • Herbal remedies

Although there are many herbal remedies on the internet that promise to cure erectile dysfunction, most of them only improve the condition slightly and can have serious side effects. However, natural remedies involving a herb called red ginseng and pomegranate juice can be effective at treating the condition. Red ginseng (Panax ginseng), also referred to as the herbal viagra, can increase nitric oxide production in the body and improve blood flow to the penis. While pomegranate juice, a powerful antioxidant, can also prevent restricted blood flow and improve circulation.

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