Simple Ways To Manage Dry Eyes Symptoms Naturally

The tear glands are responsible for producing tears that lubricate the space between the eyelids and the eyeball. However, a deficiency in this natural secretion usually results in dry eyes. There are several physical, environmental, and medical triggers of the condition, ranging from old age, side effects of certain medications to allergies, and unsuitable environments. However, in most cases, the condition can be easily managed in the following ways. Read on to find out popular natural remedies to explore at home.

Rinse the eyelids
One of the most basic things to do is to keep the eyelids and surrounding area clean. Although this remedy will not directly provide relief from the symptoms, cleaning the area will promote natural oils’ secretion and reduce irritation. You can purchase a gentle preservative-free eyelid cleanser at the local pharmacy and follow the directions for use. It is advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist first to understand if this remedy is safe to explore.

Use a warm compress
Heat and massage therapy using a warm cloth or compress has proven to be one of the most effective natural remedies for dry eyes. The heat helps loosen any debris and dirt that accumulates between the eyelids and the tear ducts. Using a warm compress to massage gently with eyes closed can also help unclog the ducts and help release natural lubrication. Note that this remedy works well with a mild dry eye condition. If the symptoms persist, medical attention is advisable to explore over-the-counter eye drops and prescriptions to manage the condition.

Eat foods rich in essential vitamins and nutrients
Lack of essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins can sometimes result in the reduced production of natural tears necessary for lubrication. Studies show that people with a vitamin D deficiency may experience more frequent discomfort associated with dry eyes. Supplementing the vitamins naturally in the diet helps stimulate tear production, reduces instability, and reduces inflammation risk. Vitamin A deficiency has also been linked with dry eye syndrome. An increase in green vegetable and citrus-rich fruits’ consumption can supplement the deficiency and promote natural tear secretion.

Make simple lifestyle changes
Staying hydrated helps the tear ducts secrete tears necessary for lubrication. This activity also promotes the mucous membranes to remain moist for a better part of the day. Blinking also allows the eyelids to coat the eyeball with the lubrication more frequently and prevent a dry eye condition. If you continuously work for long hours staring at the screen, positioning your monitor at an optimal angle will help with the condition. Lowering the monitor downwards adjusts your viewing angle, allowing you not to keep your eyes wide open for prolonged periods, thus significantly reducing the strain. If you live in a dry climate, it is recommended that you use a humidifier in the room to balance the moisture content and prevent dry air from triggering the symptoms. Taking frequent breaks from hectic work routines will also help reduce the stress on the eyes.

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