5 Handy Dietary Tips For Managing IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that majorly affects the large intestine. This chronic condition causes constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, cramping, and abdominal pain. IBS needs to be managed with long-term goals in mind. This is why diet and lifestyle play an important role. Here are a few diet tips that make IBS easier to manage.

Try out the low FODMAP diet
FODMAP is an elimination diet that works differently for everyone. This diet is not a fad; it is, in fact, a medically recommended diet plan that helps to deal with IBS symptoms. Moreover, eating foods recommended in this diet plan can help avoid flareups. A FODMAP diet involves keeping away from foods that contain a type of carbohydrate that is quite difficult to digest. These foods include nectarines, apples, dried fruits, canned fruit juice, dairy products, high-fructose foods, and lentils.

Keep away from gluten
Gluten is a type of protein found in most grains. Rye, wheat, and barley contain a high amount of gluten. It is like a sticky compound. Generally, people with celiac disease are recommended to keep away from gluten. However, it has been observed that people with IBS experience severe flareups after eating gluten-based foods. Doctors usually advised to lower the intake of most grains, cereals, processed foods, and pasta, all of which contain gluten.

Add high-fiber foods to your diet
Fiber-rich foods are essential for better bowel movements as they add bulk to stool and ease constipation and bloating. A high-fiber diet usually comprises lots of whole grains and fresh produce such as fruits and veggies. These foods are not only healthy but also give relief from IBS symptoms. Some people may experience bloating due to a high-fiber diet. In such cases, it is recommended to have only soluble fiber and keep away from insoluble such as those in whole grains. Soluble fiber is found in vegetables and fruits.

Sometimes, a low-fiber diet helps too
If high fiber intake is aggravating bloating and diarrhea, it is advisable to stick to a low-fiber diet. Eliminating fiber completely from diet is not recommended for those with IBS. A low-fiber diet generally includes foods containing soluble fibers. Sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal, carrots, berries, and apples.

Go for a low-fat diet
Eating too many high-fat foods is bad for health as this causes obesity and aggravates IBS symptoms. Foods that have high levels of fat content are usually low in fiber. Eating these foods can be bad for those who suffer from IBS-related constipation. Fatty foods are especially not recommended for those who have mixed IBS, that is they have a combination of constipation and diarrhea. Instead of animal fats and fried foods, eat low-fat dairy products and leans meats.

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