5 Early Signs That Indicate Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the ovaries and often goes undetected until it spreads to the stomach and the pelvic area. This is because the symptoms associated with ovarian cancer usually manifest in the later stages, and the early stages of the disease rarely cause any symptoms. The symptoms that sometimes appear in the early stages are often mistaken for gastric issues or minor ailments that pass over time.

Here are a few early symptoms of ovarian cancer that women should be aware of and keep an eye out for:

  1. Abdominal bloating or swelling
    Abdominal bloating and swelling are some of the most common symptoms observed among patients with this type of cancer. Bloating is when one experiences an uncomfortable feeling of tightness or fullness in the stomach. Patients may also notice slight swelling near their lower abdomen and feel full more quickly, merely after eating a few bites. Consistent bloating that lasts for around or over 3 weeks requires a visit to a medical professional.
  2. Weight loss
    Ovarian cancer patients tend to lose their appetite and find it difficult to eat even small portions of meals. This is due to the constant feeling of fullness in the stomach, or it may result from bloating. This causes patients even in the early stages of ovarian cancer to lose a significant amount of weight, and it escalates as the condition progresses.
  3. Discomfort in the pelvic area
    Painful urination or experiencing discomfort while urinating is common among women during the early stages of ovarian cancer. Most of the time, these symptoms may just indicate a nasty urinary tract infection, but it is always better to talk to a medical professional and rule out any chronic causes like ovarian cancer. Patients may also observe an increase in the frequency of urination and experience an urgent need to urinate.
  4. Constipation
    Changes in bowel habits are another common symptom of ovarian cancer and must be monitored by women, especially if they are combined with any others on this list. If gastrointestinal issues manifest on their own, they are usually linked to common causes like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or stress and anxiety, but constipation is a common indicator of ovarian cancer. Constipation in women that is not relieved by medications or other remedies should be taken seriously, as it may indicate ovarian cancer.
  5. Prolonged pain
    Persistent pain in the pelvis and abdominal region is another prevalent sign of ovarian cancer. This type of pain does not come and go over time and cannot be readily linked to any other causes. Pain associated with ovarian cancer can persist for as long as one to three weeks but is often mistaken for gastrointestinal problems or stress-induced pain.

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